

me & natasha

i didn't really know what to blog about today, so i thought i would blog a bit about my me. haha that sounds so self absorbed. anyway, this weekend i met up with an old friend and we went out for lunch at a local restaurant. it was good have a catchup. oh, the snow that fell on Thursday stayed and froze so walking around was pretty much impossible. i can't count how many times i fell,it's melting away now.i have seen '7 things about me' on a number of blogs; so i thought i would do one.

1. at the moment i obsessively use Aqueous cream, it works miracles on my skin
2. i am a hater of the Twilight obsession, i don't think RPazz is remotely good looking. it's overrated
3. i never delete photos, i actually cried when my computer got a virus and i lost 2000 pictures & videos
4. i love American & Irish accents
5. i boycotted X-factor because of 'JEdward'
6. when i was little i always thought that M was a special letter. pathetic i know but my initials are M.M & i was born in May. good enough excuse, right?
7. i always do things last minute, it so stupid. but i think i get it from my parents, they are the worst.
oh yeah what do you think about the new header?

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